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UN Women IORA Webinar: Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Indian Ocean Rim: Progress and Challenges
UN Women IORA Webinar: WEP 5: Enterprise Development in the Indian Ocean Rim region .
UN Women IORA Webinar: WEE in Fisheries: Implementing the WEPs in the Indian Ocean Rim
UN Women IORA Webinar: Implementing the WEPs in Conflict-Affected States
UN Women IORA Webinar: Reignite commitment: Sharing tools, guidance and good practices for the WEPs
UN Women IORA Webinar: WEP 1: Corporate Leadership in the Indian Ocean region.
UN Women IORA Webinar: Closing the Gender Pay Gap in the Indian Ocean Rim
UN Women IORA Virtual Training: WEE in the Tourism Sector of the Indian Ocean Rim Region.
UN Women IORA Webinar: Overcoming inequalities through finance-Women Entrepreneurs/led Businesses
UN Women IORA Webinar: Supporting Women Entrepreneurs and Women-Owned Enterprises amid COVID-19
The Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)
Economic Empowerment for Women in the Workplace